Saturday 15 June 2019

Looking forward to the Festival of Mathematics

So in ten days time the University is hosting Greenwich Maths Time, the 2019 IMA Festival of Mathematics and its Applications.  The Festival takes place on Tuesday 25 and Wednesday 26 June.  Everything is free!

The weather forecast is currently fine and we are looking forward to a feast of mathematics.  The programme and booking details can be found at the Festival website the Twitter hashtag is #IMAFest19.

The Festival has attracted a wonderful collections of performers and activities.  Visitors will have the opportunity to learn about noon-Newtonian fluids by walking on custard!  We're grateful to everyone who is taking part and who has worked to make the Festival possible, and especially to the Festival sponsors, the University of Greenwich, the Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, the Advanced Mathematics Support Programme, The OR Society, FDM, the Mathematical Association, and an anonymous individual donor.